Mumbai: Thursday's Indian rupee marginally reinforced its Asian peers against US dollar tracking gains and crude petroleum fall. The home currency was opening a dollar at 68.73. The currency traded at 68.76 at 9.15 am, up 0.1% from its prior 68.82 close.
The 10-year government bond return was 6,311 percent compared to the closing of 6,345 percent on Wednesday. The Sensex benchmark rose 0.06 percent at 39239.31 points in pre-trade. The index has increased by 7.84 percent so far this year.
So far in the year, the rupee has increased 1.79 percent against the greenback, while foreign investors have purchased $10.52 billion in Indian equity and $2.76 billion in the debt market over the period.
The dollar index, measuring the strength of the US currency against a basket of major currencies, stood at 97.09, down 0.13 percent from its previous closing of 97.223.
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